The Uptake of Mediation from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Families in Edinburgh, Scotland

  • G Overton


Cyrenians Mediation and Support Service (CMSS) has been operating in Scotland since 2006. Working in partnership, the Early Intervention Partnership (EIP) in Edinburgh is a collaborative project between Cyrenians and Rock Trust with the aim of tackling youth homelessness through early intervention and preventing relationship breakdown due to conflict and arguments within families. In recent years, anecdotal evidence has suggested that the service may not be receiving referrals proportionate to the population of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities in Edinburgh. This led to CMSS applying for a research grant to carry out research to determine the uptake of the mediation and support service from those of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds living in Edinburgh, and to compare this against the percentage of the population living in Edinburgh from BAME backgrounds. We were also keen to listen to professionals working with BAME communities about their perception of the mediation service, aswell as what they would look for themselves in a mediation service. This paper describes the research and its findings. Following the research, steps were taken to implement the recommendations of the research, which are described below. But, first, we provide some context and background to CMSS and mediation service. Then, we review studies of BAME communities and their access to services, including mediation, in the UK. From this, we identify some of the barriers that are particular to BAME communities accessing services, which could be relevant to a mediation service that seeks to break down barriers to its services.

Author Biography

G Overton

Early Intervention Partnership
Mediation & Support
